
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Heroes - The Second Volume "Generations" Finale

Some background first. I didn’t start watching Heroes right away when the series first started. I’m not quite sure why. Lucky for me, NBC decided to string a bunch of episodes together, I think over one weekend, so everyone could catch up. Afterwards, I couldn’t catch my breath – I found the show different and exciting.

Some are complaining that for this latest season of Heroes that the show has lost some momentum, but I disagree. I believe the characters only became more interesting and more three-dimensional. I admit that at first, I couldn’t understand why they spent so much time on Hiro far into the past, but in the last few weeks, it became more and more clear as to why that was necessary. I believe that this show does the best job of any television show of late in weaving complex storylines that don’t turn out to be red herrings. It’s almost as if even the most minute detail will have meaning somewhere down the road. So I’m learning to pay very very close attention.

Last night’s episode, “Powerless” was powerFUL. Claire (Hayden Panettiere) seems to have found a new resolve, but her father needed her to pull back. Hiro (Masi Oka) has become very controlled and precise in his time travel. Mohinder (Sendhil Ramamurthy) continues to unwittingly throw wrenches into everything. Sylar (Zachary Quinto) seems even MORE creepy than before, if that’s possible. Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) has become even more powerful, yet at the same time, more gullible and too trusting of the wrong people. And Nathan’s (Adrian Pasdar) shooting at the end shocked me. I knew something had to happen, but frankly I didn’t quite expect THAT. And the biggest creep-out of all was Adam (David Anders), in a coffin, buried in a grave. Personally, the thought of being buried alive is horrific to me, and while I know Adam has been up to no good, I got a little wigged out for him during that scene. And is Niki (Ali Larter) really dead?

Heroes is one show that keeps you guessing, but also give you a lot of answers. As the season started I was disappointed that they didn’t seem to close the loop with the ending of the previous season, but I was satisfied how the story played out later. The show seems to be trying to teach me some patience by telling the story in a non-linear way.

If you haven’t watched Heroes, you may want to rent Season One over the holidays to catch up. Since many shows won’t be starting up again until after the beginning of the year, or even later because of the writer’s strike, this could be a perfect time to watch. I’m looking forward to Heroes return…whenever that may be.

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1 comment:

  1. regarding "And the biggest creep-out of all was Adam (David Anders), in a coffin, buried in a grave. Personally, the thought of being buried alive is horrific to me, and while I know Adam has been up to no good, I got a little wigged out for him during that scene. "

    Even creepier is that Adam is immortal! (Or will that power cease when he runs out of oxygen???)
